Make sure that you meet the [wiki:server_hardware_requirements hardware requirements] if you plan to install your own Flarmradar server. There are [ server software packages] available for Debian-based Systems (Debian, Ubuntu and derived friends). Other distributions must install the [ zip-files available for download]. === Software Installation & Testing === 1. Download the client package from {{{ $ wget }}} 2. Install the package {{{ $ sudo -i dpkg -i flarmradar__all.deb }}} The package creates a new user 'flarm' which owns the Flarmradar server process and files. 3. Start the server {{{ $ sudo su -l -c "/opt/flarmradar/ stop" flarm }}} Note that the server is just listening on the local interface and is not (yet) accessible over the network. Once that the server has started you should be able to see the web interface on http://localhost:8080/radar. Choose the Station->Demo to start a demonstration session and verify that the server installation is working correctly. ==== Finish up the installation ==== We use an apache webserver as a reverse proxy to make the Flarmradar server available on the network. If not already done, install the Apache Webserver and enable the required modules {{{ $ sudo -i apt-get install apache2 $ sudo -i a2enmod rewrite proxy_http }}} Next we need to configure our reverse proxy. We want all requests for /radar and /rest to be directed to our Flarmradar server running on http://localhost:8080. Add the following stampa to your virtual host. {{{ # # Rewrite Rules for Flarmradar # RewriteEngine On RewriteLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/rewrite.log RewriteLogLevel 0 RewriteRule ^/radar(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/radar$1 [P] RewriteRule ^/rest(.*)$ http://localhost:8080/rest$1 [P] ProxyRequests Off ProxyPassReverse /radar/ http://localhost:8080/radar/ ProxyPassReverse /rest/ http://localhost:8080/rest/ }}} ... and finally restart the webserver to read the new configuration {{{ $ sudo -i service apache2 restart }}} Your Flarmradar server is now available on ... you're lucky?